Our company pays special attention to the development of its employees, no matter what position they occupy. From the director to the cleaner, from the manager to the driver - development within the team and personal self-development is important.
We value qualities such as: professionalism - so that the employee clearly and efficiently fulfills his duties; hard work - so that clients can see the employee's attitude to himself, his property and his time; purity and honesty - so that the team is free from gossip, laziness and deception; self-development - this is the only way to achieve constant career growth and financial reward;
We follow and respond to every feedback from our customers
It is important for us that customers are calm about their property
Our employees are trained before starting work,
Младший и старший составы
Звоники, встречи, презентации
Холодные звонки, работа с базой
Фасады, автомобили, ковры
Работа с персоналом, контроль качества